Friday, November 27, 2009


Intergralism supports the National Cooperation economic system, which translates to government oversight over the most vital industries. The National Cooperation system, also known as Integral Economics, is not complete government control over business. This means intervention from the government only takes place in certain cases over production, not consumption, of industries vital to America. It does not hinder small business, or require government oversight for small business. For a more in-depth explanation of Integralist Economics please look in the Integral Economics section (under construction).

Citizens will pay taxes to the government for the benefits of security, city structure, great works, science, public transportation and affordable housing and food food. A reasonable flat tax system will be implemented that will be equal across the board.
In order to offer the necessary services to productive citizens taxes will be higher but our tax system will also be much simpler and more uniform. Tax dollars will not go to special interests or foreign countries, but instead will be spent to benefit the people and fund the programs that benefit the nation. More on the Integralist tax system here.

Health care will be nationalized and provided to the citizen, children of citizens and retirees. Medical professionals will be paid well, and according to how well they perform their job to ensure that they are well sought after careers. The health of the Citizenry is one of the highest priorities of the state, for without it the Nation would cease to exist.

The pharmaceutical industry we currently have is incredibly corrupt and does not serve the people, thus it will be completely reevaluated and included in the nationalization of the health care system. Medications will be made cheap and affordable to citizens. Most individual medications/drugs will be reevaluated for their effectiveness and safety by experts who have the public good in mind instead of lining their pockets like the current inspectors do.

Housing, Transportation, and Food
These are three vital elements to anyone’s modern existence. No more than a 5% profit can be made on housing, transportation, or food in order to keep it cheap and available to all citizens.

Vehicles made for the citizen will not be made to pass the maximum speed limits; nobody needs to risk lives driving 140 miles per hour. There are countless benefits to this such as a reduction of deaths from car crashes, environmental benefits, and fuel conservation. Only government vehicles will be made to exceed speed limits for various reasons.

Natural Resources
Through advancement in science, Intergralism seeks to weaken America’s dependencies on oil and nuclear power. The Integralist philosophy calls for our nation to have a much greater level of self-reliance, thus we would support drilling the large oil reserves in Alaska, using methods that are as safe for the environment as possible. Because of our strong beliefs in self-reliance, and protecting the environment, we will seek a balance between relying on, and conserving our natural resources. These are only temporary and transitional measures to be taken while we develop better, safer and renewable sources of energy. For more information see our Natural Resources and Energy Plan (under construction).

A citizen of Integralist America is not just someone born within the borders of America, but is someone who contributes to our society and the advancement of America. This way the productive populace's (citizens) taxes are only paying for other citizens (the productive, or formally productive populace's) services and not the unproductive individuals who in self-interest would weigh down the system and harm our nation. More on citizenship here.

Civil Rights
Each individual has the right to promote, and advance themselves, their family, and nation. Affirmative Action will be ended and all racial questions will be removed from school and work applications. Integralists believe in meritocracy, or in other words, the best person for the job gets the job, regardless of race, sex, or any other outside factor. No more quotas having to be filled at the expense of the productivity and functioning of the institution, only excellence will remain.

Foreign Policy
Integralist believe in our nation first and above all. Therefore we believe in a form of non-interventionism, where we become as self-supporting as possible, only trading for vital resources when we have to, or it is proven to be more beneficial. Foreign aid will be cut off to all countries currently receiving aid from America. Also (as long as America or its vital interests are not threatened) there will be no nation building or meddling in other countries affairs.

It should be apparent that definite and clear borders are required for a nation to exist. America’s current illegal immigration and border situation is in dire need of reform. Under the Integralist Party’s administration the first thing we would do is use our armed forces to secure our nations borders to stop any and all illegal immigration. International warnings would be given stating our intent to use deadly force against any illegal immigrants caught attempting to cross the U.S. border. In order to be effective this warning will be announced on international television, posted on signs before the border and distributed via fliers air dropped in strategic locations.

To deal with the 20 plus million illegal immigrants already residing in America, we will require them all to register before a set date. Those who have registered will be peacefully and systematically deported in phases, those who voluntarily offer to return to their native lands without deportation will be given a small reward so that they can get on their feet in their homelands and start a new life for themselves with some ease to ensure they never have to return to America. Those who fail to register before the set date will be sought out in order to be placed in detention facilities where all their belongings will be confiscated,and mandatory (but reasonable) labor is required until deportation is within our means.

We plan to deport all illegal immigrants within a period of no more then eight years. Nations will be paid a small amount per person for their cooperation and to offset the cost of resettlement.

Every citizen will enter into mandatory military service for a minimum of two years at the age of 18. If a person does want to join the military they will have the option to join any number of public services including but not limited to healthcare, fire safety, etc. Certain exemptions will be allowed, mainly including but not limited to physical and mental disability. We believe that a strong and independent nation must have a strong military; therefore we intend to maintain state of the art military equipment, and training.
The primary objective of the military is to defend the nation and it’s interests. We believe that it is important a portion of the military be permanently stationed on our nations borders.
We plan on maintaining many, but not all of our nations current military bases around the world. During the internal changes that are going on, our military presence in non-conflict regions will remain the same in order to ensure defense of America and Her interests. Forces currently engaged in occupation missions will be recalled to solidify our nations defense at home. During, but mostly after the bigger internal changes occur, we will start to cut down on our military presence around the world since we will no longer be engaging in international policing missions.

Religion is a personal matter and has no place in government when it comes to setting policy. There will be no recognized state religion, and no one will be persecuted by the government for their religious beliefs, except in matters where they are violating others’ rights.

Abortion is a personal matter. No abortions will be allowed after the first trimester. A woman who engages in three abortions (non-medical reasons, and non-rape) will receive a tubal ligation (tubes tied) after the third abortion. In this way we hope to discourage abortion as a casual repeated means of birth control.

Gun Rights
Not only are lawful citizens allowed to own guns but they are encouraged to. Every citizen will have been through safety and use training with guns in the military (or in mandated classes), so this will minimize ignorant use, unsafe handling and storing. Another benefit to this policy is that it will greatly decrease burglary and other crimes because almost every household will own a firearm and criminals will know the crime better be worth losing their life.

Schools K-12 and colleges will be paid for by Government. Students will get into colleges and schools depending on their proven ability. Serious education reforms will take place. Some of the changes we will see are the following: At least two hours (one in the morning, one in the afternoon) of physical education will be required for all boys every school day, and at least one hour of PE for girls. The school system will emphasize building strong character and ethics such as integrity, honesty, selflessness, honor, pride in ones country, etc. for knowledge without good character creates selfish, and often times deviant individuals. The general curriculum will be boiled down to what is necessary for every citizen to know, and through repetition and other means will be mastered by every citizen. After the general curriculum every citizen will be allowed to follow their passions or what they are best at, and will be trained as an expert in that field.